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Woodland Nymph ....My First Contest Quilt

woodland-nymph-quilt-kaufman-challenge-2006 Woodland Nymph

36 x 40

This is my first completed Art quilt. I entered this into the Hoffman Challenge 2006. This quilt was not a prize-winner, but it was chosen to travel with the winners!
The required Hoffman fabric was the colorful ribbon you see woven in the Nymph's hair.
I created the border on this qult to look like an old-fashioned photo frame.
I ran a thick satin-stitch around the entire outside edge of the quilt. I think I used almost a full spool of thread!

woodland-nymph-quilt-detail My first attempt at thread painting.

I was a bit timid because I really didn't know what I was doing.
I limited thread-painting to just the featurs of the face.
Green Eye Detail

I gave my Woodland Nymph eyes like mine. I have one green eye and one blue eye!

Woodland Nymph
36 inches x 40 inches

Free Motion Thread Painting
Design size is 36 inches x 40 inches
Entry in the 2006 Koffman Challenge


Click for Larger Image

Quilts created by Jennifer Wheatley-Wolf. Images owned by the artist used with permission only!

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